Restorative Experiences
Creativity, Nature, Rejuvenation
Looking to recharge, revitalise and reconnect? Drawing on the latest findings from Positive Psychology, Attention Restoration Theory, Mindfulness and Creativity research, Claudia facilitates small group experiences to foster connection and joy through the creative arts, the natural world and meditative experiences.

November 16, 2014
There is growing research linking rhythm and drumming with healing, boosted immune systems, positive relationships and release of stress. Using ocean drums, bells, chimes, cajons and the myriad of instruments I have collected over my 20 + years of playing, we explore dynamics, rhythms and soundscapes together to enter into what Hungarian psychologist, Csikszentmihalyi, refers to as the Flow State. While percussion and drumming circles tend to be loud and fast, this one is different….it’s a restorative space where music connects, inspires and calms.
November 16, 2015
This experience incorporates gentle movements from tai chi, yoga and dance to invite our attention into the present moment. I am a qualified dance and yoga teacher (Grad dip Creative Industries, Yoga Australis Level 1) and I love to work with people to connect to their deeper selves through the body’s grace and beauty in movement. Focusing our attention on how the breath intersects with the body, invites us to settle and connect as we move, relax and unwind. A restorative ritual for the body and spirit.
November 16, 2018
The Byron shire has long been a place to retreat to and recover from the stresses of city life. In this experience we draw on the beautiful natural environment to put into practice the latest science on recovery and rejuvenation. William James, the father of modern Psychology, was one of the first to research the role of attention in restoring one’s energy and mental processes and in recent years, there has been substantial research linking nature to the recovery of attention, for example through the work of Steve Kaplan’s Attention Restoration Theory (ART). In this experience we will explore proven ways to interact with nature, drawing on James’ and Kaplan’s work, to recover from mental fatigue and deepen presence. We will also explore mindfulness as a related approach to strengthen our connection to nature and our deeper selves.
November 16, 2018
In this experience, we explore the role of meditation to help us relax and connect inwards through resting and rejuvenating. Drawing on neuroscience approaches to mindfulness, we explore the capacity for disengaging from ‘top down’ narrative knowing to experience ‘bottom up’ sensory experiences. Through stepping our nervous system gradually down through guided body, sound and space meditation, amid soft candle light and comfortable surrounds, this is an opportunity to calm and connect to our inner being. Ideal for centring and collecting before a wedding or special event, or for restoring vitality with a small group of friends or colleagues.
November 16, 2018
For special events and celebrations, being present and connected with our friends and families is key. Whether you are planning a wedding, a special birthday, a reunion of old friends or some other event or ritual, if you would like to include an experience to connect, inspire and centre people before, or as part of an event, please contact Claudia to discuss options.
Claudia’s Background
Claudia loves working with people to foster creativity and connection through the natural world, creative arts and meditation. She has a masters degree in Coaching Psychology (University of Sydney) and is a qualified teacher (BA Dip Ed) with a Graduate Diploma in Dance Teaching (QUT) and Yoga Teacher Training (Level 1). She brings over 20 years’ experience working with people as a facilitator and trainer. Her current work focuses on coaching and training in Recovery & Performance, Nature Therapy, Positive Psychology, Creativity and Mindfulness. She has also worked internationally as a musician (Luka Bloom, Rodrigo y Gabriela, Australian Chamber Orchestra: ACO Move) and works at Petrea King’s Quest for Life Foundation as a facilitator.

Book a free 15 minute call to talk to Claudia about your needs, ideas and possibilities